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implements StateObject

StateImageObject represents an Image that exists in the owner State. Unless it has shared images (that appear also in other States), this StateImageObject is representative of the State and will be used to find it in case Brobot is lost. All StateImageObjects, including those with shared images, are used to find a State during StateTransitions and with Find Actions. When a StateImageObject is found, its owner State is registered as an active State in StateMemory.

StateImageObjects can have either an Image or a RegionImagePairs. RegionImagePairs are for Images with fixed locations and are specified by the 'isFixed' option in the Builder.


private String name

private StateEnum ownerStateName is set by the State when the object is added to the State.

private int timesActedOn is reset after each Action.

private MatchHistory matchHistory is used to produce results during mock runs.

private SearchRegions searchRegionsObject provides search regions for Find operations. These regions can be superseded temporarily by the SearchRegions in an ActionOptions object.

private boolean fixed
When 'true', it activates the RegionImagePairs field. Otherwise, the Image field is used.

private Image image

private RegionImagePairs regionImagePairs

private int baseProbabilityExists
The probability that a StateImageObject will be found can be influenced by events during a mock run. The base probability is used to reset the active probability value used with Find operations. Having lower base probabilities can introduce more variability into the results. Probabilities are only used in the absence of an applicable Match Snapshot in the MatchHistory.

private int probabilityExists is the active probability used in Find operations.

private Position position is used to convert a Match to a Location. When a Match is found, the MatchObject created is passed this position to be available for clicking and other operations requiring a Location. The beginning value is Position(50,50), or in the middle of the Match.

private boolean shared specifies if the same image is used in other StateImageObjects. If so, it will be excluded from StateFinder operations, which attempt to find the set of active States after the current position is lost.

private Anchors anchors are used for defining regions with the Match of this StateImageObject.


public Region getSearchRegion() returns a single search region when needed.

public void setSearchRegion(Region region)

public List<Region> getAllSearchRegions()

public void setSearchRegionsObject(List<Region> regions)

public void addSearchRegions(List<Region> regions)

public boolean defined() For fixed-location images, we assume that the StateImageObject is found when one of the images in the RegionImagePairs is found. For variable-location images, the StateImageObject is defined when the Image's search region is explicitly defined.

public Optional<Region> getDefinedRegion() returns an empty Optional when the result of defined() is false. When the StateImageObject is defined, the appropriate Region is returned: for fixed-location images, the Region defined by the last Match; for variable-location images, the result of getSearchRegion(), which returns an explicitly- defined search region.

public void setProbabilityToBaseProbability()

Adding anchors enables defining Regions with a Match from this StateImageObject.
public void addAnchor(Position.Name definedRegionBorder, Position positionInMatch)
public void addAnchor(Position.Name definedRegionBorder, Position.Name positionInMatch)

public ObjectCollection asObjectCollection() is a convenience method that creates a new ObjectCollection and add this StateImageObject to it as the only object.

public void addTimesActedOn() increments the times acted on during a specific Action by 1.

public void addSnapshot(MatchSnapshot matchSnapshot) adds a Snapshot to its MatchHistory.

Builder Methods

public Builder called(String name)

public Builder withSearchRegion(Region searchRegion)

public Builder inState(StateEnum stateName)

public Builder isFixed()

public Builder withImage(String... imageNames) adds a single Image with the given Patterns specified by the imageNames parameter.

public Builder withImages(String... imageNames) adds one Image per Pattern.

public Builder withImage(Image... images) adds a single Image with all the Patterns from all the images passed to it.

public Builder withImages(Image... images) adds the Images passed as parameters.

public Builder setBaseProbabilityExists(int prob)

public Builder setProbabilityExists(int prob)

public Builder withPosition(Position position)

public Builder isShared()

public Builder addAnchor(Position.Name borderOfRegionToDefine, Position positionInMatch)

public Builder addAnchor(Position.Name borderOfRegionToDefine, Position.Name positionInMatch)

public Builder addSnapshot(MatchSnapshot matchSnapshot)

public StateImageObject build()